Monday, December 7, 2009

Experienced Computer User Question For An Experienced Computer User And/or Security Admin.?

Question for an experienced computer user and/or security admin.? - experienced computer user

I was always interested in tricks with computers and the security system at my school has always been a starting point for questions. Before proceeding, I act out something potentially dangerous to the computer in my school, but simply to explore the possibilities for creativity. Also, I am * not * try to hurt me or other learning experiences. My question is, there is an easy way to hide or to mask a team from another? My school uses SynchronEyes to monitor all computers, and I know how the program even in the neighborhood (on the execution of commands, batch files, etc.) and to prevent the reopening, but I do not want to learn more about the work safety administrator in my school. What I think could be a possible solution is to somehow show a screenshot from my desktop to the server SynchronEyes. When it comes to a difference, my school uses the Barracuda Web Filter (which can be avoided with the help of Google Translate as a proxy to English English). Thank you in advance to Go!


Larry<--... said...

Honestly, no idea! familiar with these programs. He seems to like to inform potential risks, without real intent to harm, this is a real hacker, represented. :) I could think to hide simple ways to change the MAC address ..?

Larry<--... said...

Honestly, no idea! familiar with these programs. He seems to like to inform potential risks, without real intent to harm, this is a real hacker, represented. :) I could think to hide simple ways to change the MAC address ..?

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