Friday, December 11, 2009

Wax Jobs Is It Normal To Get A Lot Of Acne After A Wax Job?

Is it normal to get a lot of acne after a wax job? - wax jobs

I have a wax job for about two weeks and a few days later, my skin broke out in a large number of small red bumps, very small. She began to take in a few days, then everything went back, and I am overcome difficulties. Is this common with the work of wax? and any proposals for the Enlightenment?


ih8mylif... said...

This is called folliculitis. The inflammation of hair follicles. best treatment for you is a cortisone cream.

Jessica M said...

Sounds like ingrown hairs to me. This happens when the hair that lies beneath the surface of the skin and hair when the hair to catch and cause a little inflammation increases drag. Just use an antibacterial soap with moisturizer in it. It should disappear after a few days.

chelsea.... said...

Who si the work of the wax can not remove an oily liquid result excess wax. Oil = Grain
You probably do not wash very well.

I wax eyebrows at home and not all the oil is washed and I pimpieees

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