Friday, January 29, 2010

8 Month Old Baby Has Dry Cough Question About Baby Cough?

Question about baby cough? - 8 month old baby has dry cough

My son is 4 months old. It seems as cough (often - or at least I think never a child so I do not know what normal is).

Tose several times a day (I must stress - a little - not more than 5 times). This is a dry cough, not stuffy, no fever, cough had not come in (it leaves a slight cough and a bit which is very good), is in the morning or evening, not at the mercy of him, and seems well anyway. In fact, it seems that the cough when he's angry - it breathes and it seems that something happens "in the wrong pipe" - which has no trouble breathing at all.

You do not know if they have to do it, but he had RSV when he 8 weeks ... was fine, he recovered at home as with a cold ... had a bad cough and cough during this sounds like you do (sounds a lot less severe, less often - all)

Visit your routine, so it was yesterday, and I feel stupid, but I forgot to ask, cough ... But everything went well for him during the investigation - is clearly in the chest, etc. ... I'm Going remembered tomorrow, but at this point, I wonder if someone has a baby cough, and why seems to ... nor any idea why this can be my son?


JB's Mom said...

This seems quite normal. My son has never RSV and cough, as you describe is all the time. He is now 10 months, but has also published 4 months ago. I think it's more of a look, "what I can do" more than "help, I've got something on my throat" thing.
To do Edit: Actually, now that my attention.
This you can feel better - that is quite common. ...

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