Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Braces Headgear Pictures I Have A Few Questions To Ask About My Teeth, Are There Any Dentists On Here?

I have a few questions to ask about my teeth, are there any dentists on here? - braces headgear pictures

I do not have all my questions in a small box.

Now I know that invoked their right not to have on the Internet for teeth problems, but my dentist does not explain things clearly enough for me, not because he spoke English.
They usually speak with my parents.

"Currently, I have to use an expander (which I have to support 2 times per week) (squeeze more)
"I have braces up only.
- I have strengthened my brakes three times and the dentist.
"I had braces for 3 months.
"My dentist told me I needed dental HEADGEAR buttons and background.
(I got my keys in the next month)

My main questions:

"My bite is serious?
- As long as I can with my hat?
Why do my teeth will have to be bent on the page? "
- How is my sharp teeth? (eg in many of the "before and after pictures of people with machines, many of them have very strong teeth, but they disappear, how?)

Photo of the tooth at the moment: (from 24/11)


Nolanino said...

Their concerns are quite reasonable and not very sensitive issues - issues that must be answered. Unfortunately, it is possible for anyone to say something useful, without much more information. It is important to recognize that the proposals without full knowledge of the facts wrong in almost certainly will.

You must feel comfortable with the person with the treatment. Have you discussed your concerns with your parents? You can arrange for you to see, while another, even if only for a second opinion. When the orthodontist to speak for themselves, they could ask questions on their behalf? I know this is not a great answer, but I can not do anything that might help you think.

One thing to keep you in mind - it is at the end is worth it.

Nolanino said...

Their concerns are quite reasonable and not very sensitive issues - issues that must be answered. Unfortunately, it is possible for anyone to say something useful, without much more information. It is important to recognize that the proposals without full knowledge of the facts wrong in almost certainly will.

You must feel comfortable with the person with the treatment. Have you discussed your concerns with your parents? You can arrange for you to see, while another, even if only for a second opinion. When the orthodontist to speak for themselves, they could ask questions on their behalf? I know this is not a great answer, but I can not do anything that might help you think.

One thing to keep you in mind - it is at the end is worth it.

R3b3L said...

Nice picture :-)

R3b3L said...

Nice picture :-)

hollrock said...

Go to this site for answers. They correspond with you until you all the information you need. There are dentists in the whole country be registered in order to chat with you live. I created this page for the various subjects and it is good to have a professional opinion from the comfort of having their own home.

Some health professionals are crazy. Radiographs? This guy is a little too extreme. Go get a second opinion before you head art.

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